8 Facts About Fluoride You Should Know

Fluoride is the Single Most Effective Public Health Measure to Prevent Tooth Decay What is fluoride? Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral compound found in water and soil. It is also present in foods and beverages at varying concentrations. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by making the entire tooth surface more resistant to acid attacks [...]

Top Tips for Protecting Your Teeth

Good Oral Health Habits to Guard Your Grin Good oral health not only protects the integrity of your teeth and gums but also ensures that your smile remains bright for years to come. Even if you brush and floss regularly, however, there are still some oral health concerns that you may end up facing. Whether [...]

Tips to Keep Your Baby’s Teeth Healthy

When we think of healthy alternatives to soda and other sugary drinks, it’s often common to look to fruit juice as a solid choice. Generally high in essential vitamins, fruit juice can be a much better choice than other beverages. Unfortunately, it can also be one of the worst offenders. The sugars and citric acid found [...]

Essential Tips to Manage a Dental Emergency

What to Do If a Dental Problem Requires Immediate Treatment Accidents happen, and knowing what to do when one occurs can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. Knocked-Out Tooth A knocked-out tooth is a dental emergency that requires urgent attention. If the appropriate emergency steps are followed immediately after the tooth has [...]

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