Tips to a Brighter Smile

The color of your teeth is related to a variety of factors. Genetics is one reason your teeth are the shade they are, but there are other contributors to color. Discoloration may be caused by stains on the surface or by changes inside the tooth. Three Types of Tooth Discoloration Extrinsic — These are stains on [...]

Tips to Keep Your Oral Hygiene Routine From Becoming Stale

A report published by Delta Dental found that almost 70% of Americans brush their teeth at least twice a day. That’s a great statistic for those who adhere to the recommended routine, but looking at that number also reveals a more pressing issue: more than 30 percent aren't brushing enough. Also, 23 percent of Americans [...]

Seven Foods for a Happy Smile

Can what you eat help your smile and overall oral health? The answer is a definite “yes”! We have seven foods in this week’s blog that will give your “pearly whites” a boost and help your gums and enamel stay happy and healthy. Fruits and Vegies that Crunch The high fiber in certain fruits and [...]

Periodontal Disease Is Not Something You Want in Your Mouth

Did you know that nearly 50% of all Americans have some form of periodontal disease (also called gum disease)? If you are among those 50%, then you should be paying attention to how to get rid of it in your mouth. If you are not careful, periodontal disease can lead to bone loss. So what [...]

Brighten Your Smile with These 9 Easy Tips

Tired of not feeling like you can smile because your teeth are stained yellow or tinted a dull gray? We have 9 tips to help bring the luster back to your smile, ranging from eating teeth-whitening foods to avoiding beverages that discolor your smile. Go on a pearly white diet If you like to drink [...]

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